Bringing innovation to
the road safely and

Bringing innovation to the road safely and sustainably

The rapidly advancing automation and electrification of vehicles requires innovative testing technologies and procedures in order to ensure safe and environmentally friendly mobility. With the Charter 2030, the testing organisations are taking a stand on the necessary further developments in technical vehicle testing.

Key messages

The key messages of the Charter 2030

Holistic inspection of modern vehicles

As inspection organisations, we ensure a high level of safety and sustainability throughout the entire life cycle of a vehicle – from development through approval to operation.

Digitalisation and interconnectivity for safe and sustainable mobility

The experts and PTI inspectors of the testing organizations act as independent third parties for, among other things, the safety of connected vehicles and user-centric access to (mobility) data.

Sustainable protection of people and the environment

The inspection organisations ensure compliance with environmental standards and contribute to the introduction of environmentally compatible vehicle technologies and new mobility solutions.

Modern, innovation-friendly legal framework

The inspection organisations support the further progress and harmonisation of requirements for the development, approval and inspection of modern vehicles.

Classification & Objectives

The 2030 Charter's contribution to road safety and environmental protection

With the positions and demands on technical vehicle inspections anchored in the Charter 2030, the testing organisations want to actively contribute to achieving climate and road safety policy goals.

Areas of focus

The Areas of focus
of the Charter 2030

With twelve main topics, the testing organisations are addressing the challenges of the future and presenting solutions for technical vehicle inspections.

Inspection of automated and
connected driving systems

Software inspection of all
vehicle systems with relevance
for safety and the environment

vehicle inspection methods

emission inspection

Safe e-mobility and
alternative drives

Emission monitoring
in-service conformity

Standardisation of
data and interfaces

Technological expertise
of the experts
and inspectors

Continuous vehicle inspection
development, type approval,
field monitoring and PTI

Cyber security

IT protection and security
of (mobility) data

Access to vehicle data
via OBD and OTA

Areas of focus

The Areas of focus
of the Charter 2030

With twelve main topics, the testing organisations are addressing the challenges of the future and presenting solutions for technical vehicle inspections.

Inspection of automated and connected driving systems

Software inspection of all
vehicle systems with relevance
for safety and the environment

inspection methods

Advanced emission inspection
Safe e-mobility and
alternative drives
Emission monitoring in-service conformity
Standardisation of data
and interfaces
Technological expertise of the experts and inspectors
Continuous vehicle inspection development, type approval, field monitoring and PTI
Automotive Cyber security
IT protection and security of (mobility) data
Access to vehicle data via OBD and OTA


The periodic technical inspection –
What will it look like in the future?

The testing organisations are further developing the main inspection through innovative testing technologies and procedures and an efficient and modular test procedure. Safety, environmental compatibility and compliance with regulations in increasingly digitalised traffic are thus guaranteed today and in the future.

Authors of the Charter 2030


Download the Charter 2030 as a compact brochure

In the Charter 2030 brochure, you will find a compact and clear summary of the positions, solutions and demands of the testing organisations for the further development of technical vehicle inspections.